Privacy News

How to spot a phishing Email

Phishing (pronounced ‘fishing’) is the most widespread type of cybercrime. Over 3 billion phishing emails are sent every single day. The average cost to organizations is $4 Million each. Still, these types of attacks target people of all ages and backgrounds, so it’s important to stay vigilant and stop phishing before you become a victim.

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Beware of spear phishing! One email could destroy everything!

Spear phishing has emerged as one of the most dangerous and effective forms of cyber attack. It is a highly targeted type of phishing that uses personalised tactics to trick individuals or organisations into providing sensitive information, clicking malicious links, or downloading malware. Read on to make sure you don’t fall victim to an attack.

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What is angler phishing and how to detect it: A comprehensive guide

Cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated, and one of the newest threats is angler phishing, a form of phishing specifically targeting users on social media. By exploiting users’ trust in social media platforms, fraudsters can carry out scams, identity theft, and other attacks. As more people use social media for customer service inquiries, the risk of being deceived by a fake support account grows, making it crucial to understand angler phishing and how to spot it.

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Multi-Factor Authentication – What Is It And Why You Should Consider Using It

The majority of people are used to the single-factor authentication process of logging on. A simple username and password, but with data breaches and leaks happening on a frequent basis, this standard of security is simply not enough anymore. That is why multi-factor authentication (MFA) is absolutely vital to protect your most important accounts. The most popular form of Multi-factor authentication is two-factor, otherwise known as 2FA.

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What is phishing and how can I protect myself from it?

Phishing (pronounced ‘fishing’) is where an attacker creates a fake version of an e-mail, website or any other kind of electronic communication. This fake phishing message asks you to open a harmful attachment or click on a link. These are designed to harvest sensitive personal information like your password and bank account details.

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